Thursday, December 12, 2013

I think our conversation about finding the right balance between tech and non-tech in the classroom is spot on. As one of the least techy teachers, I do not have students using their computers everyday, but I do have students using them on a regular basis nonetheless. And I have heard students say that in some classes they are on their computers everyday most of the class time. Of course, take what students say with a grain of salt...but that comment did cause me to pause and wonder - just how much is going on.

I completely agreed with Shawna's comment that tech is a "good servant, terrible master" as that is exactly what I have been concerned with ever since we started talking about 1:1, namely that we should not be doing tech for tech's sake.

So for me, as I ponder the big question of our PLC group - how students can demonstrate their knowledge - I want to seriously look at how to break the computer habit. I am going to continue to find ways to have students talk, write, and read, and not get all consumed by how they can use the computer on a task or assignment.  I have noticed a real problem with some of my 10th grade students' inability to actually talk history with each other, while others can indeed converse.

And Bill Alexander could not be with us tonight because he is getting ready for a concert in which his students will demonstrate what they have learned!

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