Thursday, January 23, 2014

Questions we are pondering:

Do semester exams really demonstrate what students know?

Is there some across the board conversation about how students are doing grade wise? "Tears are being shed, not by students, but by teachers over grades."

Does the change in administration and the change to 1:1 have much of an impact on student performance and grades?

How does technology change our students' skills, such as reading comprehension (reading a book vs reading on line for example) and what is the impact of that going to be?

What have other schools done with their 1:1 launch? all in? slow roll out?

Where is education going? Is this a pivotal time because of technology in our classroom?  Instead of the teacher at the podium it's the computer in the classroom. Is tech now an edifice of education? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? HISTORY will be the judge.

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